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Replace Chart of Accounts

This feature allows you to import your Charts of Accounts from other applications into Loan Performer. However you will have to arrange your data in an excel file format before importing can be done on Loan Performer. Chart of account importation was in the earlier versions done under System/Configurations/Accounting/Import Chart of Accounts but now one has to do it under Tools/Replace Chart of Accounts.


Note that:
• The importation is only possible if no transactions have been posted into the General Ledger.
•Make sure that you have filled-out the importation templates correctly.

•The information you intend to import should be transferable / converted to the formats of dBase, Microsoft Excel or Tab delimited text files to make it possible to import into Loan performer.

• Link GL accounts numbers to their respective products.

• Define your Cash Accounts and Bank accounts.

• The template is arranged in a logical order so during data importation process, make sure that you follow the logical order.

• Do not reformat the templates to make them suit your own data format. i.e. do not add, modify or delete a column in any of these templates as these changes would make Loan Performer reject the affected template.

• When importing LPF disregards the first row (the headers) so you can change the column headers to something more descriptive.

• Each importation template has been filled with sample data to help you understand how you should fill them out. You therefore have to replace this data with your own.

• Do not leave empty rows, otherwise LPF will import data upto the end of the rows (Empty row) and will exclude the remaining data.

• Pay attention to date fields. The date and months fields should be represented by two digits while the months should be represented by four digits, e.g., "01/02/2019" . You have to pay particular attention to the date format, noting that the date format in the template should be changed to match the date format that you set at System/Configuration/General.

• If LPF requires a number as a character string, e.g., "Voucher No.", enter this with an apostrophe like ‘ or make sure the alignment is on the left side.

How to Import the Chart of Accounts

To import the Chart of Accounts you go to System/Configurations/Accounting/Import Chart of Accounts and a screen like the one below shows up.

Loan Performer 8 allows you to convert your chart of accounts to a standard format even if you have financial data in your database during the financial year. This is done through the Loan Performer functionality of Replace Chart of Account. To do this you must have supervisory rights set at System/Configuration/Users.

Note that for a replacement of a chart of accounts to complete when it has accounts which have transactions, ensure that the accounts that have transactions must be included in the excel spread sheets under the Old account column. The system will identify and display such accounts. Or else the process will be canceled as seen below:

You should have an Excel spreadsheet for the standard chart of accounts. This should be in the format of the one for the replacement of the chart of accounts file labeled « Chart of Accounts Replacement.xls ». You can access this in the Loan Performer Folder\External Files\Import. It looks like the one below:

In the last column (Column L), you must specify the «Old account ». This is the current account that will be replaced by the new account of column A. This column specifies which new account matches with the corresponding old account. When you import this file, Loan Performer will replace all references to the old accounts with the new accounts and also replace all old accounts in General ledger and Year with the new account numbers. This file should be saved in a specific folder from where it will be imported into Loan Performer.

The structure of the new accounting format is maintained and you can only use lower level accounts or sub – accounts of lower level accounts to post transactions. You must link all accounts which have transactions and all accounts used at configuration. Another constraint is that the currency in column K should match the currency of your current accounts.

How to replace the chart of accounts

To replace the Chart of Accounts you go to Tools->Replace Chart of Accounts and a screen like the one below shows up.


Click on the Import button to complete the importation of the new chart of accounts and the Cancel button to exit the menu.

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